LaLa Sizahands Visits Miami @lalasizahands89

Comedian LaLa Sizahands  (aka Jay’La Milan) hit the Miami strip this week  and has been chronicling her adventures on her SnapChat. So far, she has set aside some gym time, took us to the club and taught us some game while in the Jacuzzi. Then let us walk with her back to the hotel room as she finally stepped back in at 5:46 am. La La recently quit her full time job, stepped out on faith and is now pursuing her dreams full time!

Ugly Man “Wings” Wants Surgery To Look Like Kevin Hart @therealwings

Wings, of the comedy duo Mike & Wings if tired of his face and wants your help. Not sure if he is serious, but he says he cries himself to sleep at night knowing that he makes [little children cry because of the way he looks]. Wings has set up a gofundme campaign to raise 250K in order to get plastic surgery so that he can look like comedian Kevin Hart. Link is below.

Wings’ GoFundMe Campaign

wings3 kevin hart